Returning to the office

The government had reintroduced its guidance to work remotely when it tightened Covid regulations on 8 December 2021 to help tackle the spread of Omicron. With restrictions now eased in England and from the 31st January the recommendation to work from home in Scotland will no longer be in place.
This once again opens up many questions for employers and staff on how best to remain safe in the workplace. Unfortunately it appears that even with the hugely successful mass vaccination program, COVID-19 is not going to go away any time soon and is perhaps a virus we need to learn to live with. That’s not to say however that there are still vital steps we can take to mitigate this risk of infection for ourselves and others.
The government has provided given guidance on how to return to office environments safely:
- Open doors and windows to keep spaces well ventilated and the reduce COVID-19 particles in it
- Enhanced cleaning on busier areas
- Keep your distance
- Put hand sanitser and entry and exit points
- Wash hands regularly
- Cough and sneeze into tissue which can be disposed of or into arm
- Designated seating and consider using screens/ partitions
- Clean and disinfect your work area after use
- Regular Cleaning and disinfection of frequent hand touch points
- Providing extra non recycling bins for workers and visitors to dispose of single use face coverings and PPE.
- Provide posters on encouraging employees to frequently wash hands and how to properly do so
- Setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets. This is to ensure they’re kept clean.
- Providing hand drying facilities. Provide paper towels, continuous roller towels, or electrical dryers.
- Putting in place cleaning procedures for goods and merchandise entering the site.
- Putting in place cleaning procedures for the parts of shared equipment people touch after each use. Consider all equipment, tools and vehicles. For example, pallet trucks and forklift trucks.
One thing is clear that improved hygiene practices in the work place can only be a positive step towards reducing the spread of the virus. Increased cleaning frequency and correct specification of product should all be implemented to ensure a safe working environment.
Ramon Hygiene are able to offer a large selection of products specifically designed to ensure a safe working environment.