Proud Members of the CHSA Mop Accreditation Scheme
As members of the CHSA Accreditation Scheme for Cotton Mops we can guarantee the weight, absorbency and cotton content of each of our cotton mops. This guarantee provides assurance to the customer of a consistent and quality product so they can be certain of receiving exactly what they are paying for.
The CHSA has driven up standards, making it possible for buyers of cleaning products to be sure when they buy accredited products that what’s on the box is what’s in the box. All members adhere to the code of practice and the Manufacturing Standards Accreditation Schemes to make sure customers get what they pay for.
Application to the Accreditation Schemes does not guarantee membership. Applicants are only admitted if they pass the initial audit of all their products, labels and quality control procedures conducted by the Scheme’s Independent Inspector. Each new member is then audited four times in the first year of membership and at least twice annually thereafter. Should they fail to meet the Standard they would lose their Accreditation
If you would like more information on the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association (CHSA) then please visit www.chsa.co.uk